Alba Alsina was born in Girona in 1989, she began studying classical piano at the Girona Conservatory and at the age of 16 she started playing the saxophone with Adrià Bauzó, a jazz saxophonist from Girona.

She moved to Barcelona and began her intermediate jazz studies at the Taller de Músics (Barcelona) receiving classes from Gabriel Amargant, Marcelí Bayer and many others. She also received masterclasses with various jazzmen, including Jesse Davis and Dick Oatts. In this first stage, Alba took part in many musical projects gaining experience, stylistic variety and stage presence. At the age of 23 she began her jazz studies at the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu in Barcelona, showing a strong dedication to jazz and flamenco-jazz, studying with Marc Miralta, Llibert Fortuny, Víctor de Diego, Gorka Benítez and Giulia Valle, among others. She moved to Holland as an ERASMUS and finished her studies at the Conservatori del Liceu at the age of 28. In recent years, she has participated in masterclasses with Melissa Aldana, Guillermo Klein, Perico Sambeat and many others.

On a pedagogical level, she has a degree in music pedagogy and is involved in educational training as a teacher of other new musicians. She gives pedagogical concerts, visits schools and musical groups. She also welcomes in her studio students who wants go deep in their technique and saxophonistic language.

In February 2020, Alba Alsina published her first album as leader, saxophonist and full composer of El Principio (Self-published, 2020) with which she brings a new approach to jazz, fusing flamenco rhythmic roots with electronic elements (synthesizers, effects, etc.).

The published album arises from the desire to explore all the possibilities of the saxophone, the instrument with which she identifies herself. It is during her higher studies in Barcelona where flamenco-jazz makes its mark on her perception of art and expression and she begins to experience the rich flamenco-jazz scene in Barcelona. It is in this process of amplifying her vision of music and art that Alba composed her first debut album: El Principio.

The work presented by the saxophonist is completely composed and led by her and where the eight pieces create a fresh and new work of art, full of sophistication, naturalness and intuition. With the help of producer Domingo Patricio, Paco de Lucía's flautist and a great connoisseur of the flamenco language on wind instruments, they build a powerful new vision of flamenco-jazz. The album features great collaborations with masters of the genre such as David Domínguez on percussion and Marc Miralta on drums. El Principio was officially presented at the prestigious Sunset Jazz Club (Catalonia).

Alba Alsina's language is made of jazz tradition and flamenco-jazz elements, generating unique sonorities and textures. She is accompanied by an exceptional band of young musicians. They are; Tom Amat on piano, Carlos Bayolo on bass and Alberto Garrido on drums. Their live performance reveals the complicity that unites them and the powerful talent they share. All of them form this powerful and enveloping sonority that, live, is a fusion of jazz, flamenco sounds and electronic landscapes.

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